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Your product selection from Rocking L Farm

Pre-Pattied Brisket Burgers

$49.00 per package

Bundle of 5 vacuum sealed packages of Beef Brisket Burgers. Each Package contains 4 pre pattied burgers averaging 1.4-1.6lbs per package. Beef Brisket Burgers are delightfully lean, while offering an excellent, rich, Beef Brisket flavor. Patties are "hang over the bun" big, or serve Hamburger Steak style for a low carb dinner.

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About Rocking L Farm

Rocking L Farm is a small family owned farm located in Siler City, NC founded in 1997. We specialize in breeding and raising Purebred Santa Gertrudis Cattle. The Santa Gertrudis breed is the only beef breed developed in the United States. They are know for their excellent carcass traits, thriving on natural forages and well adapted to hot southern climates. We utilize the latest in rotational grazing practices to maximize the most sustainable use of our land. Rocking L Farm is BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) Certified, guaranteeing the greatest level of care and low stress handling practices are provided to our cattle. All cattle are bred, born, raised, and finished entirely on our farm, completely eliminating the stress and discomfort of traditional shipping and finishing.


Rocking L Farm
1071 Ed Clapp Rd
Siler City , NC 27344

More products from Rocking L Farm

80/20 Ground Beef

$65.00 per package

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10- individual packets of 80/20 ground beef. Packets range from 1.04-1.06 LBS per package. Is there anything better than a hand pattied burger? Not just a wonderful summer time treat, but a quick, easy meal for 4 year round. Split package to 4, roll into a ball, pat to a patty, season to taste. Cooks easily on the grill, frying pan, or grittle top.

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Pre-Pattied Brisket Burgers

$49.00 per package

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Bundle of 5 vacuum sealed packages of Beef Brisket Burgers. Each Package contains 4 pre pattied burgers averaging 1.4-1.6lbs per package. Beef Brisket Burgers are delightfully lean, while offering an excellent, rich, Beef Brisket flavor. Patties are "hang over the bun" big, or serve Hamburger Steak style for a low carb dinner.

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Whole Beef Brisket Package

$77.00 per package

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13+Lb whole Beef Brisket. The Ultimate Low and Slow Beef BBQ Cut. Trim, add a BBQ Rub of your choice. Smoke, or Grill on indirect heat for 5 hours, wrap and cook until 205 internal. Let rest 1 hour and slice. Blow your friends away with this quintessential American style of BBQ.

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